OUR MEETINGS: In-Person and on Zoom
In-Person meetings of Amagansett AM are held at St. Peter's Episcopal Church until further notice.
- Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 8:30am
- Saturday: 8:30am - 9:30am
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Basement, back entrance
Montauk Highway at Miankoma Lane
Amagansett, NY 11930
See Google Maps
7th Tradition: Amagansett AM is on Venmo!
From your mobile phone or tablet, search for Amagansett-AM and make a contribution for the 7th Tradition. Every little bit helps!
Please attend our meetings - we have literature, sponsorship and opportunities for service. For info: contact the group secretary.
Please join us at the business meeting to hear the latest meeting minutes and news related to this group. Business meetings are held the second Saturday of the month, directly following the 8:30am Meeting, in person. The Zoom Group Conscience meeting takes place on the first Friday of the month, directly following the Friday 7:30am meeting, on Zoom.